
What is happiness? Does it exist all the time or is it a quality that you have to develop throughout your life? Its is a tough question to answer, but according to my analyzes, it is something with what your are born with. Remembering the moments from my childhood, my father always told me that:

“To smile and to be happy is different. People can pretend that everything makes sense in their life by smiling in public. However, happiness always comes from the heart.”

From that moment, i have noticed that his words make sense in my life. Firstly, it is like a flow of positive energy or a desire which is hard to give up. Of course you can develop this quality as a habit, but it should be pure and sincere. Have you ever looked at people in the park or in the public transport, at their emotions or actions? Trust me, it is something that pushes you to think in a different way and, then, notice small things in this world, which make you feel happier. Dalai Lama once said, “the purpose of our lives is to be happy.” Simple and very precise quote. Think about it once before going to bed and may be you will get up with the idea to make yourself and others happy.

                            – By Ekaterina Voronkina

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